Why Christian Staff?

02 June 2023

Why Christian Staff?

Since our founding in 1977, Shire Christian School has made a commitment to employing all Christian teachers and staff. Not all faith-based schools do this – some schools generally prefer Christian teachers, but will make exceptions. Other schools hold to a Christian “ethos”, where the Principal, possibly the leadership, and the religious studies department hold the faith of the establishment, but other staff are only asked to publicly support the “ethos” of the school, not personally practice it.

So why are we (and all other CEN schools) so committed to having every staff member as an active believer? It is because we are dedicated to an immersive approach to Christian Education. Christianity is not the “icing on the cake” of education, it is the cake, and the icing, and the plate!

Our holistic approach echoes the famous statement by the Dutch theologian Abraham Kuyper: 

“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!” 

Through our faith in Christ and devotion to his Word, we apply a Biblical worldview to all of our teaching, not just Pastoral Care or Christian Studies. Our staff interactions with students and with each other seek to model Christian principles. Our staff pray together, share devotions together, and sing to God together.

The founding parents of our school wanted more than a Christian ethos, more than Chapel on Fridays, more than “fairly Christian”. They wanted a likeminded organisation that would partner with Christian parents and their Christian churches. That is why we seek Christian staff for all positions in our school – so that we can be authentically and immersively Biblical, honouring our foundational values. Parents tell me how much they value this, so let us be prayerful that God will continue to raise up Christian teachers and support staff committed to our cause.

The Australian Association of Christian Schools (AACS) is hosting a website at https://mychristianschool.au where you as a parent have the opportunity to speak of how you value your Christian school and its Christian Staff. I encourage you to visit the site and tell your story as AACS continues to advocate for our right to exist as a distinctly Christian organisation.

Mr David Stonestreet

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