Engaging Events in Secondary School

21 June 2024

Engaging Events in Secondary School

As usual there is a lot going on in the life of our school. We’ve had a number of community events these past two weeks which have helped us to engage with one another in positive ways.

Learning Together Series Event #1 - Staying Steady When Anxiety is on the Rise

Last week our students, staff and parents all took part in the first of our new Learning Together events, Staying Steady When Anxiety is on the Rise. The team from Anglicare tailored their presentations to each audience ensuring we all learnt about the same concepts in a way that was relevant for our context. The central idea of us all staying steady together was a helpful take away for us all.

Here are some of the ideas that were presented across the sessions:

  • A certain level of anxiety is good for us, motivates us and keeps us safe
  • Sometimes anxiety can become ‘troublesome’ where it negatively affects your life and isn’t reasonably placed
  • We can use strategies to manage normal anxiety as well as diagnosed anxiety
  • It’s better for us to stay steady together as God has made us to be in relationship and we can all help one another 

It was wonderful to see so many parents at our evening session sharing this experience together (as well as a cup of tea!) and learning how we can help ourselves as well as one another. We look forward to seeing you again at our next Learning Together event in September! 

Community Events: Athletics Carnival & Recital Evenings

Last Friday we had the privilege of sharing in our Athletics Carnival together. It’s a time for us all to experience a bit of healthy competition while also encouraging one another to engage and take part. We’re particularly impressed with the student participation this year so well done to our students who get involved!

This week we also shared in celebrating our students who have been working hard learning an instrument or singing. It takes discipline and endurance to progress with any musical learning and this hard work was evident in the beautiful pieces produced by the students on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. A big thank you to our music tutors and Music Faculty as well who have worked hard to teach and encourage our students to share their learning with us.

Year 10 Families SAVE THE DATE! - Stage 6 Evening 31 July

Please save 31 July in your calendar (Term 3 Week 1) if you have a Year 10 student in your family as we will be holding our Stage 6 Subject Selection Evening on that date. This is a chance for the students to explore their subject options and ask questions of the teachers who are familiar with the courses. The students will be focusing on this in pastoral care in the coming week prior to Work Experience in Week 10. We are praying that Year 10 have enlightening and informative experiences as they explore the working world, helping them gain an understanding of what life could look like after school. What an exciting time for these young people!

A Final Prayer

While our recent event around anxiety was aimed in a more general sense of how to manage this ourselves, we understand some students struggle with a level of anxiety that is higher than normal and may need further assistance. May I remind you of our Welfare Hub, found via a link on the SEQTA Engage welcome page, where you can find information about a variety of mental health concerns as well as services you may need. As a staff we regularly pray for all our students, especially upholding those who experience extra struggles in their life.

Steve Dinning, the lead facilitator from Anglicare at our Learning Together event, encouraged us all with these words from Philippians 4 about how God leaves his peace with us when we come to Him in all situations. I have been praying this is the case for our school community and I leave these same words with you this week:

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Mrs Kathryn Breen
Acting Head of Secondary

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